HIPAA Compliance Statement
Effective date/Last updated: JULY 6, 2023
As business associates (BA) under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), NeckCare™ demonstrates good faith effort in fulfilling the applicable requirements by establishing and implementing the appropriate policies and procedures.
NeckCare™ is dedicated to appropriately safeguard the protected health information (PHI) received or created with the use of the NeckCare™ System, from any misuse.
NeckCare™ enters into business associate agreements (BAA) with healthcare providers, defined as covered entities, with whom it partners. This will provide the covered entities contractual assurance that NeckCare™ uses disclosed PHI only for the purposes for which have been contracted. If the covered entity does not have a BAA of their own, NeckCare™ can provide one upon request as an addendum to a Subscription Agreement.
To ensure the privacy and security of the PHI, NeckCare™:
Has established policies and procedures following the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule;
Has designated a HIPAA Security Officer, responsible for ensuring that NeckCare’s HIPAA policies and procedures are implemented and followed.
Has implemented administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of PHI;
Stores PHI in a HIPAA compliant database;
Ensures password and authentication management;
Maintains facility access control;
Controls and monitors access to PHI;
Restricts access to PHI to the minimum necessary for the stated purpose;
Requires HIPAA awareness training for all workforce members;
Requires extensive training for workforce members with PHI access;
Has all workforce members sign a confidentiality agreement, making sure they acknowledge and understand the necessary security measures when handling PHI;
Enters into BAA with subcontractors that store PHI.
We at NeckCare™ are confident that by adhering to our HIPAA policies and procedures and ensuring the fulfillment of the security measures written in this statement, we are able to:
Ensure the confidentiality of all PHI, received or created with the use of the NeckCare™ System;
Safeguard all PHI from unlawful disclosures or uses;
Protect all PHI against any anticipated treats;
Ensure workforce awareness and compliance;
Monitor the effectiveness of our procedures and continually make improvements.
For further information or questions, please contact privacy@neckcare.com.